Jean C. and James W. Crystal Professor and Chair; Director, Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer’s Disease; Professor of Neuroscience, Professor of Neurology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Alison Goate has been a leading authority on genetic factors of dementia for more than 30 years. A pioneer in the field of dementia research, Dr. Goate has been part of several successful gene-finding projects, including identifying the first mutation linked to a rare inherited form of Alzheimer’s. Her work has produced true eureka moments revolutionizing the way researchers approach the study of Alzheimer’s disease.
Studying genetic factors for Alzheimer’s, Dr. Goate’s research has laid important groundwork for the identification of novel drug targets. Her lab then uses computational and experimental approaches to find drugs directed against these targets. With Cure Alzheimer’s Fund support, Dr. Goate has begun a new project that incorporates computational approaches to drug repurposing.
In 2023, Dr. Goate was selected as the first female recipient of the Hartwig Piepenbrock-DZNE Prize for her groundbreaking insights into the genetics of brain disease.
“I have worked on Alzheimer’s disease for more than 30 years. My mother-in-law, Kitty Ashall, died from Alzheimer’s disease, and my mother had mild dementia when she died of other causes. My paternal grandmother also died with dementia most likely resulting from strokes.“
Watch Dr. Goate and Dr. Edoardo Marcora, both CureAlz-funded researchers, talk about advancing the understanding of Alzheimer’s disease by leveraging the power of big data in this video.
To learn more about the Goate Lab, click here.