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Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Cardiovascular Research Center (CVRC); Faculty, McCance Center for Brain Health; Affiliate, Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI), Massachusetts General Hospital

Christiane Wrann’s research aims to understand how exercise protects the brain against Alzheimer’s disease (AD) on the molecular level. Her CureAlz-funded research investigates the beneficial effect of the exercise hormone irisin in Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Wrann’s research goal is to develop exercise mediators into effective drugs for AD prevention or therapies.  

“Cure Alzheimer’s Fund saw the potential of our work early on and continues to support our work while we are striving to get the NIH/ federal funding.”  

Dr. Wrann explains the benefits of exercise on brain health and reducing neuroinflammation, even in brains with AD, in this video

To learn more about the Wrann Lab, click here.