Associate Professor, Technion Faculty of Biology: Visitor Group Leader EMBL Hamburg; Associate Member, Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB), Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg, Germany
Meytal Landau’s interest in science began early. With a lymphoma and leukemia diagnosis at the age of 15 came multiple hospital stays, surgeries and treatments that sparked her interest in the effects of drugs and the study of pharmacology.
Since then, Dr. Landau has made a key discovery around bacterial amyloid fibrils which, she says, “are really cool because they are used as weapons to attack the body during infection and then they behave like [the] amyloids involved in Alzheimer’s.” If a drug is developed that targets the amyloids and reduces the severity of the bacterial attack, it might give the human immune system the break it needs to fight back against the bacteria.
To learn more about Dr. Landau and her lab, click here.